
Running Multiple IOCs in DevContainers on one Workstation#

If you want to test two or more IOCs on a workstation, you can launch two developer containers and run an IOC instance in each.

However, the auto port forwarding will not be able to bind to the default ports for the second container. It will therefore pick a different port number to bind to on the host. Inside of the container the IOC will still be listening on the default ports, but on the host the ports will be different. For example here is the PORTS tab of vscode when I have launched a second IOC on my workstation:


Port Forwarding in the bottom panel of VSCode#

You will be able to interact with each of these IOCs as usual inside the container but what if you want to connect to both of them from outside the container? This can be done by adding the list of ports to the appropriate environment variables. For example:


The equivalent settings in phoebus’ settings.ini file would be:

Unable to contact IOC PVs from outside the developer container#

Note that sometimes you may get a zombie process holding on to your host’s Channel Access ports. In this case when you start an IOC in devcontainer it will not bind to those ports as they are already in use. You just need to go to the PORTS tab and see which ports have been bound to the IOC and then set the environment variables accordingly. See the Running Multiple IOCs in DevContainers on one Workstation section for more information.

Resetting VSCode Cache#

Occasionally if vscode gets stuck in a bad state, you may need to reset the cache.

# close vscode

# make sure there are no stuck vscode processes
pkill code

# remove the vscode caches
rm -rf ~/.vscode/* ~/.vscode-server/*

# restart vscode

Cleaning up Container Cache#

Very occasionally it may be necessary to reset all of your container cache. You might want to do this if you have filled up your disk or if you just want to get back to a known state.

To remove all container cache on a workstation:

# clean out the docker local cache
docker system prune -af
# clean out the podman local cache
podman system reset -f

The above removes:

  • all images

  • all containers including running containers

  • all volumes

  • all networks

If on the other hand you would like to just clear individual containers or images then:

# list all containers including stopped ones
docker ps -a
# use the generated name (last column) to remove some containers
docker rm container_name1 container_name2

# list all images
docker images
# use the image id to remove some images
docker rmi image_id1 image_id2

Permissions issues with GitHub#

Problem: in the devcontainer you see the following error: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Solution: you may need to add your github ssh key to the ssh-agent as follows:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Where id_rsa is the name of your private key file you use for connecting to GitHub.

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon#

Solution 1: start the daemon manually with systemctl start docker, if the daemon was already running, add your user to the docker group, then log out and in for the change to be effective.

Solution 2: use rootless docker, the way to setup this depends on your distribution, in some cases, it’s a matter of installing a variant package like docker-rootless.

Docker daemon errors initializing graphdriver#

Solution: The most likely reason is that you are using a filesystem like zfs or btrfs which requires a special storage driver, click link for more information

Error processing a compose file#

Solution: make sure your docker compose is up to date