Configuration for epics-containers#

A collection of all the configuration points mentioned in the rest of this documentation.

TODO: this needs completing - pull all configuration discussions into one place. Most of these will come from the original Setting up the Workspace document.

Git Configuration#

This setting replaces https URLS for github repositories with ssh URLs. This is useful for the ibek-support submodule in the ioc-XXX repositories because it uses an HTTPS URL so that it can be built anywhere. When you want to push changes it is more convenient to use ssh URLs.

[url "ssh://"]
        insteadOf =

Vscode Settings#

These settings can be edited using Ctrl-Shift-P: Preferences: Open User Settings: (JSON)

Disable recursive search for git repositories#

Because all ioc-XXX have the same submodule ibek-support and because /epics/support in Generic IOCs contains many repositories, it is best not to automatically have vscode search for git repositories in the workspace. These settings are useful in this regard.

    "scm.alwaysShowRepositories": true,
    "git.repositoryScanMaxDepth": 0,
    "scm.repositories.visible": 12,

zsh shell#

For a much richer command line experience, it is recommended to use the zsh shell in vscode, this will work inside Generic IOC devcontainers too. Use the following settings:

    "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
        "bash": {
            "path": "bash",
        "zsh": {
            "path": "zsh"
    "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh",