Create a PVI Device from a database template#

A PVI device yaml can be created from an existing database template with the convert device subcommand. The simplest case takes a header file for the driver a template. For example, to create a PVI device for the ADSimDetector driver:

pvi convert device ./ --header simDetector.h --template simDetector.template

which will create a simDetector.pvi.device.yaml in the current directory.


See pvi convert device --help for a full list of options.

The Device will contain a list of components and groups of components describing the PVs in the given templates, their types and the widgets to display for control and readback on a UI.

This Device can then be edited to make any adjustments. The pvi regroup command can be used to add structure to the Device based on a set of .adl UIs:

pvi regroup simDetector.pvi.device.yaml simDetector.adl simDetectorSetup.adl


See pvi regroup --help for a full list of options.

This will modify the yaml in place to add grouping based on what PV appears on what UI file. The Device can also be edited by hand. A common use case is to change the widget type from TextRead/TextWrite to something more specific.

Once a Device has been edited, the pvi reconvert command can be used to make additions without overwriting and modifications, either against a update template from the upstream support module, or an additional template that was missed in the initial conversion.

pvi reconvert simDetector.pvi.device.yaml simDetector.template simDetectorExtras.template


See pvi reconvert --help for a full list of options.