# Change Log Each individual repository in the `epics-containers` GitHub Organization will have its own changelog. This page is intended for users of `epics-containers` who are adopting the next versions of the templates into their services projects or generic IOC projects. See [](../explanations/changes) for a discussion of how changes are managed in this framework. For a discussion on how to update your projects to the latest version of the templates see [](../how-to/copier_update). ## Update for August 2024 ### ibek and ibek support version 3.0.x We have implemented some changes to the schema for the support.yaml files. There have been some changes to the names of fields for consistency and there is a modified structure which makes it much easier to use YAML anchors and aliases in order to avoid repetition in the support.yaml files. For the details of the changes and for a tool to convert existing 2.x schema yaml files see [ibek2to3.py](https://github.com/epics-containers/ibek/blob/main/convert/ibek2to3.py). ### changes services projects versions 4.0.x Previously the beamline repo (also known as services repo) held a set of helm charts only. We provided a feature in the `ec` tool for making local deployments but this was quite limited in scope. Now local deployments are a first class citizen, using docker compose to deploy a set of services to a developer workstation or production server. There are now two template repositories for your sets of services as follows. - [services-template-compose](https://github.com/epics-containers/services-template-compose) for deploying without Kubernetes. - [services-template-helm](https://github.com/epics-containers/services-template-helm) for deploying with Kubernetes using helm. We now support use of Argo CD for deploying services to Kubernetes. This uses continuous deployment to keep the services up to date with the latest changes in the services repository. For Argo CD there is an additional template for a small repository which defines which versions of the services are deployed to the cluster. - [deployment-template-argocd](https://github.com/epics-containers/deployment-template-argocd) for deploying a helm based repo (from the above) automatically using Argo CD. ## Update for April 2024 - version 3.4.0 We have just completed another major overhaul of the epics-containers framework. The primary goal of these changes was to add in support for RTEMS based "hard" IOCs. But we have also taken the opportunity to make some other improvements. "Hard" IOC support is currently limited to the VME5500 processor card running RTEMS 5. However this is a proof of principle for an approach that could be extended to any other type of IOC that cannot run inside of a container. In brief: - At container build time the IOC binary is cross compiled. - The developer image is kept (in container registry) as an archive of the sources that built the binary - The runtime image holds the binary only and is based on a 'proxy' image - At runtime, the proxy container places the binaries in a location accessible to the hard IOC - The proxy container connects to the 'hard' IOC console and may change config to point the bootloader at the new binaries - The proxy container reboots the 'hard' IOC - The proxy container attaches the IOC console to its stdout/stdin - Now the proxy container can be managed/logged/monitored exactly like a linux IOC - We have demonstrated using this approach to locally build and test an RTEMS IOC from a workstation using a vscode developer container. The tutorials are now up to date with these latest changes, although the RTEMS tutorials are still in development. From this release onwards changes will be done in a controlled manner described in the page [](../explanations/changes). ## Update for February 2024 The tutorials have now been updated. Recent changes include: - epics-containers-cli has been renamed to edge-containers-cli. It now supports the deployment of general services as well as IOCs. It still has the entrypoint `ec` but the namespace `ioc` has been dropped and its functions are now in the root (e.g. `ec ioc deploy` is now `ec deploy`). - Improved CI for {any}`services-repo`s and generic IOCs repos. - copier template based creation of new beamline, accelerator and generic IOC repos. - This provides greatly improved ability to adopt updates to the template into your own repositories. All tutorials are now up to date with the latest workflow. The exception is tutorials for the RTEMS platform which are now in active development.