# Builder2ibek.support Conversion Tool :::{warning} This page is only relevant to DLS users who are converting a DLS support module with builder support into an epics-containers Generic IOC. i.e. support modules that have an `etc/builder.py` file. ::: TODO: this page is WIP and will be updated by May 2024. `builder2ibek.support` is a tool to convert DLS builder support modules into ibek support YAML for the `ibek-support` repository. ## builder2ibek.support example ```bash ./builder2ibek.support.py /dls_sw/prod/R3.14.12.7/support/lakeshore340/2-6 ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support/lakeshore340/lakeshore340.yaml ``` ```xml .. code:: yaml # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://github.com/epics-containers/ibek/releases/download/3.0.1/ibek.support.schema.json module: lakeshore340 defs: - name: lakeshore340 description: |- Lakeshore 340 Temperature Controller Notes: The temperatures in Kelvin are archived once every 10 secs. args: - type: str name: P description: |- Prefix for PV name - type: str name: PORT description: |- Bus/Port Address (eg. ASYN Port). - type: str name: ADDR description: |- Address on the bus - type: str name: SCAN description: |- SCAN rate for non-temperature/voltage parameters. - type: str name: TEMPSCAN description: |- SCAN rate for the temperature/voltage readings - type: id name: name description: |- Object and gui association name - type: str name: gda_name description: |- Name in gda interface file (Default = ) - type: str name: gda_desc description: |- Description in gda interface file (Default = ) - type: int name: LOOP description: |- Which heater PID loop to control (Default = 1) default: 1 databases: - file: $(LAKESHORE340)/db/lakeshore340.template args: name: SCAN: gda_name: P: TEMPSCAN: gda_desc: PORT: LOOP: ADDR: ```