# Create a Generic IOC In this tutorial you will learn how to take an existing support module and create a Generic IOC that builds it. You will also learn how to embed an example IOC instance into the Generic IOC for testing and demonstration. This is a type 2. change from the list at {any}`ioc-change-types`. ## Lakeshore 340 Temperature Controller The example we will use is a Lakeshore 340 temperature controller. This is a Stream Device based support module that has historically been internal to Diamond Light Source. See details of the device: [lakeshore 340](https://www.lakeshore.com/products/categories/overview/discontinued-products/discontinued-products/model-340-cryogenic-temperature-controller) :::{note} DLS has an existing IOC building tool `XML Builder` for traditional IOCs. It has allowed DLS to a have concise way of describing a beamline for many years. However, it requires some changes to the support modules and for this reason DLS maintain's a fork of all upstream support modules it uses. epics-containers is intended to remove this barrier to collaboration and use support modules from public repositories wherever appropriate. This includes external publishing of previously internal support modules. ::: The first step was to publish the support module to a public repository, it now lives at: The project required a little genericizing as follows: - add an Apache V2 LICENCE file in the root - Make sure that configure/RELEASE has an include of RELEASE.local at the end - change the make file to skip the `XML Builder` /etc folder The commit where these changes were made is [0ff410a3e1131](https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/lakeshore340/commit/0ff410a3e1131c96078837424b2dfcdb4af2c356) Something like these steps may be required when publishing any facility's previously internal support modules. ## Create a New Generic IOC project By convention Generic IOC projects are named `ioc-XXX` where `XXX` is the name of the primary support module. So here we will be building `ioc-lakeshore340`. Much like creating a new beamline we have a template project that can be used as the starting point for a new Generic IOC. Again we will create this in your personal GitHub user space. ## Steps 1. Go to your GitHub account home page. Click on 'Repositories' and then 'New', give your new repository the name `ioc-lakeshore340` plus a description, then click 'Create repository'. 1. From a command line with your virtual environment activated. Use copier to start to make a new repository like this: ```bash pip install copier # this will create the folder ioc-lakeshore340 in the current directory copier copy gh:epics-containers/ioc-template --trust ioc-lakeshore340 ``` 1. Answer the copier template questions as follows:
🎤 A name for this project. By convention the name will start with ioc- and
    have a lower case suffix of the primary support module. e.g.
    🎤 A One line description of the module
       Generic IOC for the lakeshore 340 temperature controller
    🎤 Git platform hosting the repository.
    🎤 The GitHub organisation that will contain this repo.
    🎤 Remote URI of the repository.
1. Make the first commit and push the repository to GitHub. ```bash cd ioc-lakeshore340 git add . git commit -m "initial commit" git push -u origin main ``` 1. Get the Generic IOC container built, open the project in vscode and launch the devcontainer. ```bash ./build # DLS users make sure you have done: module load vscode code . # reopen in container ``` As soon as you pushed the project, GitHub Actions CI will start building the project. This will make a container image of the template project, but not publish it because there is no release tag as yet. You can watch this by clicking on the `Actions` tab in your new repository. You might think building the template project was a waste of GitHub CPU. But, this is not so, because of container build cacheing. The next time you build the project in CI, with your changes, it will re-use most of the steps and be much faster. ## Prepare the New Repo for Development There are only three places where you need to change the Generic IOC template to make your own Generic IOC. 1. **Dockerfile** - add in the support modules you need 2. **README.md** - change to describe your Generic IOC 3. **ibek-support** - add new support module recipes into this submodule To work on this project we will use local a developer container. All changes and testing will be performed inside this developer container. Once the developer container is running it is always instructive to have the `/epics` folder added to your workspace: - File -> Add Folder to Workspace - Select `/epics` - Click cancel if you see an error - File -> Save Workspace As... - Choose the default `/workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ioc-lakeshore340.code-workspace` Note that workspace files are not committed to git. They are specific to your local development environment. Saving a workspace allows you to reopen the same set of folders in the developer container, using the *Recent* list shown when opening a new VSCode window. Now is a good time to edit the README.md file and change it to describe your Generic IOC as you see fit. However, the template will have placed some basic information in there for you already. ## Initial Changes to the Dockerfile The Dockerfile is the recipe for building the container image. It is a set of steps that get run inside a container during the container image build phase. The initial container filesystem at the start of a build is determined by a `FROM` line at the top of the Dockerfile. In the Generic IOC template the `FROM` line gets a version of the epics-containers base image. It then demonstrates how to add a support module to the container image. The `iocStats` support module is added and built by the template. It is recommended to keep this module as the default behaviour in Kubernetes is to use `iocStats` to monitor the health of the IOC. Thus, you can start adding support modules by adding more `COPY` and `RUN` lines to the Dockerfile. Just like those for the `iocStats` module. The rest of the Dockerfile is boilerplate and for best results you only need to remove the comment below and replace it with the additional support modules you need. Doing this means it is easy to adopt changes to the original template Dockerfile in the future. ```dockerfile ################################################################################ # TODO - Add further support module installations here ################################################################################ ``` Because lakeshore340 support is a StreamDevice we will need to add in the required dependencies. These are `asyn` and `StreamDevice`. We will first install those inside our devcontainer as follows: ```bash # open a new terminal in VSCode (Terminal -> New Terminal) cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support asyn/install.sh R4-42 StreamDevice/install.sh 2.8.24 ``` This pulls the two support modules from GitHub and builds them in our devcontainer. Now any IOC instances we run in the devcontainer will be able to use these support modules. Next, make sure that the next build of our `ioc-lakeshore340` container image will have the same support built in by updating the Dockerfile as follows: ```dockerfile COPY ibek-support/asyn/ asyn/ RUN asyn/install.sh R4-42 COPY ibek-support/StreamDevice/ StreamDevice/ RUN StreamDevice/install.sh 2.8.24 ``` The above commands added `StreamDevice` and its dependency `asyn`. For each support module we copy it's `ibek-support` folder and then run the `install.sh` script. The only argument to `install.sh` is the git tag for the version of the support module required. `ibek-support` is a submodule used by all the Generic IOC projects that contains recipes for building support modules, it will be covered in more detail as we learn to add our own recipe for the lakeshore340 below. You may think that there is a lot of duplication here e.g. `asyn` appears 3 times. However, this is explicitly done to make the build cache more efficient and speed up development. For example we could copy everything out of the ibek-support directory in a single command but then if I changed a StreamDevice ibek-support file the build would have to re-fetch and re-make all the support modules. By only copying the files we are about to use in the next step we can massively increase the build cache hit rate. :::{note} These changes to the Dockerfile mean that if we were to exit the devcontainer, and then run `./build` again, it would would add the `asyn` and `StreamDevice` support modules to the container image. Re-launching the devcontainer would then have the new support modules available right away. This is a common pattern for working in these devcontainers. You can try out installing anything you need. Then once happy with it, add the commands to the Dockerfile, so that these changes become permanent. ::: ## Prepare The ibek-support Submodule Now we are ready to add the lakeshore340 support module to our project. In order to do so we must first add a recipe for it to `ibek-support`. The `ibek-support` submodule is used to share information about how to build and use support modules. It contains three kinds of files: 1. install.sh - These are used to fetch and build support modules. They are run from the Dockerfile as described above. 2. IBEK support module `definitions`: These are used to help IOCs build their iocShell boot scripts and EPICS Database from YAML descriptions. 3. PVI definitions: These are used to add structure to the set of PV's a device exposes. This structure allows us to auto-generate engineering screens for the device. See . `ibek-support` is curated for security reasons, therefore we need to work with a fork of it so we can add our own recipe for lakeshore340. If you make changes to `ibek-support` that are generally useful you can use a pull request to get them merged into the main repo. Perform the following steps to create a fork and update the submodule: - goto - uncheck `Copy the main branch only` - click `Create Fork` - click on `<> Code` and copy the *HTTPS* URL ```bash cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340 git submodule set-url ibek-support git submodule update cd ibek-support git fetch git checkout tutorial-KEEP # see note below git remote -v # verify that the origin is your fork cd .. ``` We are using the `tutorial-KEEP` branch which is a snapshot of the `ibek-support` state appropriate for this tutorial. Normally you would use the `main` branch and then create your own branch off of that to work in. :::{note} IMPORTANT: we used an *HTTPS* URL for the `ibek-support` submodule, not a *SSH* URL. This is because other clones of `ioc-lakeshore340` will not be guaranteed to have the required SSH keys. HTTPS is fine for reading, but to write you need SSH. Therefore add the following to your `~/.gitconfig`: ``` [url "ssh://git@github.com/"] insteadOf = https://github.com/ ``` This tells git to use SSH for all GitHub URLs, when it sees an HTTP URL. ::: The git submodule allows us to share the `ibek-support` definitions between all ioc-XXX projects but also allows each project to have its copy fixed to a particular commit (until updated with `git pull`) see for more information. ## Create install.sh For The lakeshore340 The first file we will create is the `install.sh` script for lakeshore340. This is a simple script that fetches the support module from GitHub and builds it. These scripts draw heavily on the `ibek` tool to do tasks that most support modules require. They are also are as close to identical as possible for simple support modules. IMPORTANT points to note are: - Although we are using `ibek` we are really just automating what an EPICS engineer would do manually. This is very much using the vanilla EPICS build system that comes with EPICS base, along with the vanilla Make and Config files that come with each support module. These steps are:- - make sure we have the necessary system dependencies installed - fetch a version of the support module from GitHub - add a RELEASE.local to enable dependency resolution - optionally add CONFIG_SITE.local to apply settings for the build environment - run make to build the support module - take a note of the dbds and libs that we build so that we can use them to make our IOC instance later - This is a bash script so although we encourage a very standard structure, you can do anything you like. For example this support module has to compile a 3rd party library before it can build the support module itself. [ADAravis install.sh](https://github.com/gilesknap/ibek-support/blob/46fd9394f6bf07da97ab7971e6b3f09a623a42f6/ADAravis/install.sh#L17-L44) To make your lakeshore340 install.sh script: ```bash cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support mkdir lakeshore340 cp iocStats/install.sh lakeshore340/install.sh code lakeshore340/install.sh ``` Now edit the install.sh script to look like the code block below. The changes required for any support module you care to build would be: - change the NAME variable to match the name of the support module - add in `ibek support apt-install` lines for any system dependencies. These can be for the developer stage or the runtime stage or both. - change the `ibek support add-*` lines to declare the libs and DBDs that this module will publish. - add extra release macros for RELEASE.local (the RELEASE macro for the current support module is added automatically). Or add CONFIG entries for CONFIG_SITE.local as required. None of these were required for lakeshore340. To see how to use these functions see - ibek support add-release-macro --help - ibek support add-to-config-site --help ```bash #!/bin/bash # ARGUMENTS: # $1 VERSION to install (must match repo tag) VERSION=${1} NAME=lakeshore340 FOLDER=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) # log output and abort on failure set -xe # doxygen is used in documentation build for the developer stage ibek support apt-install --only=dev doxygen # get the source and fix up the configure/RELEASE files ibek support git-clone ${NAME} ${VERSION} --org https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/ ibek support register ${NAME} # declare the libs and DBDs that are required in ioc/iocApp/src/Makefile # None required for a stream device ------------------------------------ #ibek support add-libs #ibek support add-dbds # compile the support module ibek support compile ${NAME} # prepare *.bob, *.pvi, *.ibek.support.yaml for access outside the container. ibek support generate-links ${FOLDER} ``` Having made these changes you can now test the script by running it: ```bash cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support chmod +x lakeshore340/install.sh lakeshore340/install.sh 2-6-2 ``` You now have lakeshore340 support in your developer container. Let's go ahead and add that into the Dockerfile: ```dockerfile COPY ibek-support/lakeshore340/ lakeshore340/ RUN lakeshore340/install.sh 2-6-2 ``` This means you can compile an IOC with lakeshore340 support in this container but we don't yet have a way to generate startup scripts and EPICS Databases for the instances. We will do that next. ## Create Support YAML for the lakeshore340 When making an IOC instance from a Generic IOC, the instance needs to supply an iocShell startup script and an EPICS Database. You can supply hand crafted `st.cmd` and `ioc.subst` files for this purpose. The Generic IOC we have made above is already capable of using such files. For this exercise we will use the full capabilities of `ibek` to generate these files from a YAML description of the IOC instance. To do this we need to create a YAML file that describes what the instance YAML is allowed to make. TODO: a detailed description of the YAML files' structure and purpose should be included in the `ibek` documentation and linked here. The current version of this is here [entities](https://epics-containers.github.io/ibek/main/developer/explanations/entities.html) but it is rather out of date. To create an `ibek` support YAML file we need to provide a list of `definitions` . Each `definition` gives: - a name and description for the `definition` - a list of arguments that an instance of this `definition` may supply, with each having: - a type (string, integer, float, boolean, enum) - a name - a description - optionally a default value - A list of database templates to instantiate for each instance of this `definition` \- including values for the Macros in the template - A list of iocShell command line entries to add before or after `iocInit` In all of the fields Jinja templating can be used to combine the values of arguments into the final output. At its simplest this is just the name of an argument in double curly braces e.g. `{{argument_name}}`. But, it can also be used to do more complex things as a Python interpreter is evaluating the text inside the curly braces and that interpreter has the values of all the `definition` arguments available in its context. See :::{note} IMPORTANT: the file created below MUST have the suffix `.ibek.support.yaml`. This means it is a support yaml file for `ibek`. This is important because when `install.sh` calls `ibek support generate-links` it will look for files with this suffix and make links to them in the `ibek-defs` folder. In turn when you run `ibek ioc generate-schema` it will look in the `ibek-defs` folder for all the support definition YAML files and combine them into a single schema file. ::: To make a lakeshore340 YAML file, go to the folder `/workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support/lakeshore340/` and create a file called `lakeshore340.ibek.support.yaml`. Add the following contents: ```yaml # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://github.com/epics-containers/ibek/releases/download/1.6.2/ibek.support.schema.json module: lakeshore340 defs: - name: lakeshore340 description: |- Lakeshore 340 Temperature Controller Notes: The temperatures in Kelvin are archived once every 10 secs. args: - type: str name: P description: |- Prefix for PV name - type: str name: PORT description: |- Bus/Port Address (eg. ASYN Port). - type: int name: ADDR description: |- Address on the bus default: 0 - type: int name: SCAN description: |- SCAN rate for non-temperature/voltage parameters. default: 5 - type: int name: TEMPSCAN description: |- SCAN rate for the temperature/voltage readings default: 5 - type: id name: name description: |- Object and gui association name - type: int name: LOOP description: |- Which heater PID loop to control (Default = 1) default: 1 databases: - file: $(LAKESHORE340)/db/lakeshore340.template args: name: SCAN: P: TEMPSCAN: PORT: LOOP: ADDR: pre_init: - value: | epicsEnvSet "STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", "$(LAKESHORE340)/lakeshore340App/protocol/" ``` This file declares a list of arguments, one for each of the database template macros that it needs to substitute. It then declares that we need to instantiate the `lakeshore340.template` database template and passes all of the arguments verbatim to the template. Next, it declares that we need to add a line to the iocShell startup script that allows the IOC to find the module's StreamDevice protocol files. Note that in the list of DB args or in the startup lines we can use combinations of arguments to make the final output. e.g. to make a more descriptive PV prefix we could use: ```yaml databases: - file: $(LAKESHORE340)/db/lakeshore340.template args: P: "{{P + ':' + name + ':'}}" ``` Finally, also note that the top line refers to a schema file. This is the global `ibek` schema for support module definition YAML. A single schema is used for all support modules and is published along side the latest release of `ibek`. This means that a schema aware editor can provide auto-completion and validation for your support module YAML files. The VSCode extension here adds this capability. :::{note} Because this is a DLS module originally, it has an `etc/builder.py` file that is used by the `XML Builder` tool. `ibek` has a converter that will translate this file into an `ibek` YAML file. Only DLS users can take advantage of this because it needs access to all the dependent DLS support module forks to work. See {any}`../how-to/builder2ibek.support` ::: ## Register the Support YAML When a Generic IOC is built, each support module will register its support YAML by linking it into the folder `/epics/ibek-defs`. This is so that the `ibek` tool can find all the support module definitions and combine them into a single schema file. The schema file is then to validate your IOC instance YAML as you are editing it. This registration process happens as part of the `install.sh` script for the support module. It is done by the `ibek support generate-links` command. Here we just need to go ahead and re-run our `install.sh` script to register the lakeshore340 support YAML that we just created: ```bash cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support lakeshore340/install.sh 2-6-2 ``` IMPORTANT: since we last built the IOC binary, we have added new support modules into the container image. Therefore we need to rebuild the IOC binary to include these new support modules. This is done by running `make` in the `/epics/ioc` folder. ```bash cd /epics/ioc make ``` ## Example IOC instance In order to test our Generic IOC we now require an IOC instance to launch it. For this exercise we will build an example instance right into the Generic IOC. This is a great way to allow developers to experiment with the container, but it is most likely to require a simulation of some kind to take the place of a real piece of hardware for the instance to talk to. Before creating the instance it is useful to have a schema for the YAML we are about to write. To generate a schema for this specific Generic IOC perform the following command: ```bash ibek ioc generate-schema > /tmp/ibek.ioc.schema.json ``` This will make a schema that allows declaration of instances of the definitions defined in the support YAML file we made above. But ALSO combines in the definitions from the `devIocStats` support module and all other modules that have been built inside this container. Once this repository is published to GitHub, the schema will be available as part of the release at the following URL: ``` https://github.com//ioc-lakeshore340/releases/download//ibek.ioc.schema.json ``` This would then be the URL you would put at the top of any IOC instances using your released Generic IOC. To create the instance we create a folder in `ioc-examples` and create a IOC Instance definition there as follows: ```bash mkdir -p /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ioc-examples/bl16i-ea-ioc-07/config/ cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ioc-examples/bl16i-ea-ioc-07/config/ code ioc.yaml ``` Add the following contents to the new yaml file: ```yaml # yaml-language-server: $schema=/tmp/ibek.ioc.schema.json ioc_name: "{{ ioc_yaml_file_name }}" description: auto-generated by https://github.com/epics-containers/builder2ibek entities: - type: devIocStats.iocAdminSoft IOC: "{{ ioc_name | upper }}" - type: asyn.AsynIP name: p1 port: - type: lakeshore340.lakeshore340 ADDR: 12 LOOP: 2 P: BL16I-EA-LS340-01 PORT: p1 SCAN: 5 TEMPSCAN: 2 name: lakeshore ``` The above YAML file declares an IOC instance that has the following 3 `entities` (which is what we call instances of `definitions` in `ibek`): - A devIocStats object that will supply monitoring PVs - An asyn IP port that will be used to talk to the simulator - A lakeshore340 object that will talk to the simulator via the asyn port This instance is now ready to run inside the developer container. To do so perform the following steps: ```bash cd /epics/support/lakeshore340/etc/simulations/ ./lakeshore340_sim.py ``` Now create a new terminal in VSCode (Terminal -> New Terminal) and run: ```bash ibek dev instance /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ioc-examples/bl16i-ea-ioc-07 cd /epics/ioc make ./start.sh ``` If all is well then you should see the IOC start up and connect to the simulator. You will see the simulator logging the queries it receives. :::{note} TODO: It is possible to launch the bob file in: `/epics/support/lakeshore340/lakeshore340App/opi/bob/lakeshore340.bob` to see a GUI for this IOC instance. However, I'm reserving writing about GUI until I have the PVI integration done on this module and we can see the auto-generated GUI. ::: To investigate what `ibek` did to make the Generic IOC binary and the IOC instance files, take a look at the following files. - `/epics/runtime` - the runtime assets created from a combination of the instance YAML and all the referenced support YAML - `/epics/ioc/iocApp/Makefile` - this picks up the libs and DBDs from the support module builds which record their dbds and libs in: - `/epics/support/configure/dbd_list` - `/epics/support/configure/lib_list` - `/epics/ioc/support/configure/RELEASE` - a global release file that contains macros for all the support built in the container. This is soft linked to `configure/RELEASE.local` in each support module. - `/epics/support/configure/RELEASE.shell` - created along with the global release file. Sets all the release macros as shell environment variables for passing into the ioc startup script. - `/epics/ibek-defs` - a folder containing all the support YAML files that were registered by the `install.sh` scripts. These are symlinks into the original files in ibek-support/XXX :::{note} Because this IOC instance is a copy of a real IOC at DLS it comes from a builder XML file originally. DLS users with builder beamlines can use `builder2ibek` to convert their builder XML files into `ibek` YAML IOC instance files. See {any}`../how-to/builder2ibek`. Note this is distinct from making support YAML files with `builder2ibek.support`. ::: ## Experimenting With Changes to the IOC Instance and Generic IOC Inside the developer container you can add and remove support, change the IOC instance YAML file and re-build the IOC instance until everything is working as you want it to. Note that building the IOC binary is required after any change to the set of support modules inside this container. However it is not required after changes to the IOC instance YAML file. If you want to change the instance you can: - edit the YAML file - stop the IOC with `ctrl-d` in the ioc shell - start the IOC with `./start.sh` # Wrapping Up For the final step we will get the Generic IOC container image published to GHCR. This means committing all our changes and pushing them up to GitHub so that the Continuous Integration system can build the container image and publish it. Before we do that we need to make sure our changes we have manually made inside the developer container will be applied at container build time. There is one thing we have done that is not yet added to the Dockerfile. That is the building of the lakeshore support module itself. Therefore we need to add the following lines to the Dockerfile just after the install of the `asyn` and `StreamDevice` support modules: ```dockerfile COPY ibek-support/lakeshore340/ lakeshore340/ RUN lakeshore340/install.sh 2-6-2 ``` These commands will do the same install we did manually above. They rely on our new additions to the `ibek-support` submodule which shows that it is important to commit the submodule changes first before we push ioc-lakeshore340 repository to GitHub. Perform the following commands to commit and push the changes: ```bash cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340/ibek-support git checkout -b my-lakeshore-branch # create a new branch for your changes git add . git commit -m "add lakeshore340 support module" git push -u origin my-lakeshore-branch # now we can push up the ioc-lakeshore340 repository cd /workspaces/ioc-lakeshore340 git add . git commit -m "add lakeshore340 support module and dependencies" # we are pushing to the main branch here - which is OK for a tutorial # but in a real project you would use a feature branch and a pull request git push ``` This should trigger a build of the container image in the GitHub Actions CI system. You can watch this by clicking on the `Actions` tab in your new repository. Assuming the above CI was successful, you now can tag your repository. This will trigger another build and publish the container image to GHCR. The recommended way do this by clicking on the `Releases` tab in your new repository and then clicking on `Create a new release`. :::{figure} ../images/lakeshore_releases.png Create a new release on GitHub ::: On the New Release page, choose a tag, eg. `0.1.0`, click `Generate release notes`, Add your own description to the notes if desired and then click `Publish release`. You can follow along with the CI build by clicking the actions tab in your repository. Once the build is complete you can see the container image in the `packages` area of your repository. To see your packages, choose the following URL: https://github.com/orgs/YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT/packages?repo_name=ioc-lakeshore340 ## EXERCISE Now you have a published Generic IOC container image for ioc-lakeshore340. See if you can add an IOC instance that uses this into your `bl01t` beamline. You should then be able to run up your IOC instance with `ec deploy-local`. You could also run a local version of the simulator and see if you can get the IOC to talk to it.